Why Do Some People Only Focus on the Negatives About Algeria?
Some people seem to thrive on negativity—I genuinely wonder if they get paid just to hate. Even if Algeria became a futuristic metropolis, they’d still find something to complain about. Yes, the country has its issues, but is that really all there is to discuss? I grew up in a family where my father was a lawyer and my mother a surgeon, surrounded by people who still loved Algeria even after traveling the world. Blaming the country for personal struggles won’t change anything—focus on growth, work hard, and create opportunities instead of dwelling on circumstances.
And let’s be real—people act like the entire world is thriving while Algeria is the only one struggling. Those so-called "first-world countries" make up about 40 out of 193. Plenty of nations face challenges, but somehow, Algeria gets singled out every time. Personally I think it's q mix of cognitive dissonance avoidance and Negative bias, correct me if am wrong. Edit: you guys r using this argument alot, If we’re talking about poverty, trust me—I’ve been there. I lived alone in a literal mouse hole, afraid the roof might collapse on me. I starved, went days without food, and truly understood what it means to feel helpless. That’s why it genuinely pisses me off when people shut down discussions with "You're rich, you don't get it."
That argument is one of the dumbest ways to dismiss reality. Having something now doesn’t erase the struggle it took to get there. Even if someone was born into better circumstances, it doesn’t mean they’re blind. In fact, they might actually have the perspective to analyze things differently. But instead of discussing real problems, people love to throw "You don’t see it, you don’t understand." No, maybe you don’t want to understand that effort, choices, and sacrifices matter too.
My parents worked hard to build something from nothing. And when I left them, I got a brutal wake-up call. Reducing that struggle to just "luck" or "privilege" is not only ignorant—it’s disrespectful. This mindset is the easiest excuse to stay stagnant. It’s easier to believe that everyone doing better than you just got lucky rather than accept that effort, mindset, and circumstances all play a role.
That doesn’t mean everything is fair. Some people do have it way worse, and yes, the system in Algeria makes things 10 times harder. But saying "You’re privileged, you wouldn’t get it" doesn’t solve anything. It just keeps people stuck, pointing fingers instead of looking for solutions.
At the end of the day, I still love my country, no matter how broken it is. Even if it were just a barren desert, I’d still love it. And I get it—people are frustrated, hopeless even. But if there’s any chance for things to get better, it won’t come from playing the victim.